Thursday, May 15, 2008

she moma

Well am a 27 year old girl -women( i hate to accept it).Born to an Indian couple.They have given me the best they could. But I would especially mention my mother.She has gone to gr8 lenght to nurture I was her first child and had younger sister, she did her all that she could to give me company.Although a task master sometimes she misconstrue me but still nothing compared to her love for me.She managed to feed me by hand till date every morsel of my meal.I have been very unreasonable with her.Could not mange to be a good daughter.However, she never expected me to be 1.As a child i would ask her "what do u expect me to become as an adult?"
She said that "I want u to be a good human being."Mom would paint clothes for me, make invites for my teenage parties.She is simply superb.At this juncture of her life she is completely torn and needs me.But i can't be there as I am busy being independent and need to attend to my
career.I miss u MOM.I hope I could do all I could for you and specially be physically present.U r a strong person and will overcome all odds.U have made this strong person that I am.I am proud to be ur daughter.Love u soooooooo much


Ruchira Bajaj said...

They say that god could not be thee for everyone so his form he gave us mother. Your mom is a great mother and a great lady. She showers her love on everyone.

Till tale of a female said...

thanks darling love u muah